Weliwita Pindapathika Asarana Sarana Saranankara Sangaraja Devolopment and Cultural Foundation of Humanaities

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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Tripiṭaka (PaliTipitaka) is a Sanskrit word meaning Three Baskets. It is the traditional term used by Buddhist traditions to describe their various canons of scriptures.[1] The expression Three Baskets originally referred to three receptacles containing the scrolls on which the Buddhist scriptures were originally preserved.[citation needed] Hence, the Tripiṭakatraditionally contains three "baskets" of teachings: a Sūtra Piṭaka (Sanskrit; Pali: Sutta Pitaka), a Vinaya Piṭaka (Sanskrit & Pali) and an Abhidharma Piṭaka (Sanskrit; Pali:Abhidhamma Piṭaka).
                                                                                                          ( Source :- http://en.wikipedia.org )

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