Weliwita Pindapathika Asarana Sarana Saranankara Sangaraja Devolopment and Cultural Foundation of Humanaities

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Friday, January 10, 2014

  • To establish organization to memberise ven.Sangaraja thero.
  • To commence an organization  to promote the Bhikku education and order which was the primary objective of ven.sangaraja thero.
  • To Provide with an exemplary model to the cultural memorial festival of Saranankara thero by educating younger Bhikku generation with the a academic education Ven.Saranankara thero acquired in his lite time.
  • To from an academic institution to train Bhikku in the light at his teaching
  • To educate lay community with his teaching in.To bring the Bhikkus in the area,buddhist organization   N.G.O s and Government institutions under one umbrella,to carry out the education work.
  • To commence religions activities to make society pious and decip line.
  • To produces Bhikku generation with well educated and well-discipline.   
  • To make the community disciplined with the help of Bhikkus.
  • To revive maral  development now falling down.
  • To launch project for the welfare at the community.
  • To Induce the people to come temple and practice religion rituals,listeu to sermons and achieve meutal peace.
  • To save younger and elder generation from all types of abuses.
  • To promote Buddhist culture and Sinhalese traditional.
  • To convince legal bodies to halt converting Buddhists into other faiths in illegal ways.
  • It's regarded that the prime duty at all members is to give their full support to achieve alsove aims. 
  • To act for protecting children,young and adults against misconduct (smoking and drugs ) to work for the economical,welfare and heth.
  • To provied traditional sinhaleess cultural palingenesis and buddhist cultural features.
  • To take action against converting buddhist in to other religions in false manner.


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